• Rietbrunnen 20, CH-8808 Pfäffikon/SZ
  • +41 (0)55 410 73 17

Fitness in the workplace

A healthy company thanks to healthy employees

The hectic pace of the times we live in and the increasing demands we face make it increasingly important that we adopt responsible, effective strategies to maintain our health.

Efficient, motivated employees perform their tasks well because they are in good health and have a sound work-life balance, not at the expense of their health.

Many companies have acknowledged the value of educating their employees at an early stage and bring in nutritionists and specialists to give training sessions on taking measures to prevent illness in the workplace.

  • has the ability to solve even complex problems calmly, thanks to fast thought processes, practical, success-oriented decisions and actions
  • has the necessary reserves of energy to master both short- and long-term challenges
  • does not suffer from day-to-day fatigue or major fluctuations in its performance and is therefore well-equipped to implement the company’s plans for the future
Strengthen the health of your employees.
Reduce sickness-related absences.
Increase efficiency and productivity in your company.

Content and key topics

Nutrition and micronutrients as vital factors for good health and performance

  • How do you balance your health needs with the demands of your job?
  • Nutrition for each stage of life
  • Fitness in the workplace – the importance of the glycaemic index
  • Practical nutrition tips when travelling or in the office
  • Why standard laboratory test results don’t give the full picture
  • Micronutrients as a form of health insurance
  • Chronic fatigue, concentration disorders, susceptibility to infections,… there are answers to all these problems!
  • Presentations
  • Workshops
  • Prevention and treatment of burnout
  • Individual consultations
  • Micronutrient medicine
  • Nutrition counselling

A company’s success depends on the strength of its team
